Triple Rosacea Cream and Perioral Dermatitis. How long until I will see results?

Looking for some stories about use of the triple cream for perioral dermatitis.

My pregnancy gave me two gifts, a precious little rainbow baby and a stubborn case of perioral dermatitis. One of them I love and the other is just awful. I will give you two guesses as to which is which but I don’t think you will need both.

I’m 38, the dermatitis is on skin around my nose and chin on left side only (side I slept on the entire pregnancy because it’s what the ubiquitous “they” say is best for baby). I suspect it was something to do with my skin care combined with sweat/drool. Lovely!!! I had it the whole third trimester and still raging 8 weeks postpartum.

4 weeks postpartum I went to the derm and she prescribed the

triple rosacea cream (azelaic acid(15%), ivermectin, metronidazole).

I am applying it 3X a day and I have stopped all other skincare except a night wash with vanicream face wash per derm reco.

Has anyone used this protocol? How effective was it? How long did it take to see results? How long did you continue the usage?

Other things I did:

Switched toothpastes to a non-mint/cinnamon variety from Toms.

Regularly changing pillow case.

Stopped sleeping on my left side.