360 to PC recompilation?

I was looking at the N64Recomp project and wondered if this had been done for any other platforms, when i looked through github i found this, a WIP (seemingly cancelled) project to recompile 360 games for PC. Although it seemed in a broken and unfinished state, the last proper commit was 7 years ago which I hope means theres probably been alot of progress in the 360 hacking/emulation community (Ive also heard people are trying to reverse engineer how the xbox one recompiles 360 games so theres that). So i was wondering if full functionality (recompiling full games) for this tool would be possible or if anyone was doing it or thinking of doing it. one game id recommend as a test subject is "Sonic Unleashed" as the engine for that game has been modded/documented inside and out so any errors/problems could potentially be easier to understand.