Jasmine is diabolical

So she yells and screams at Gino for months until he loses attraction to her.

Remember when she told him her ex was better in bed?

Called him names and low blows?

Gave constant ultimatums to get her way?

Then, understandably he doesn’t want to get hard for her or be intimate with an emotionally unsafe person.

She goes on Last Resort and plays the victim BIG TIME.

Notice how she behaves there, in front of people, way more than when it’s a season of just her and Gino?

So now it looks like he is abusing her and withholding sex for NO REASON!

I completely understand why he would say “I will only do it if she treats me well.” I don’t think he is emotionally manipulating her as much as communicating what he needs to recover his attraction.

What I can’t stand is her moping and acting like a victim based on consequences of her own doing. BUT it gets more diabolical.

She is framing this as an open marriage, further terrorizing him. Telling him if he feels asexual (as if she has no part in creating this), she can have another man do the sex part and they do regular normal relationship things.

He is not asexual, he is just not attracted to her behavior! Do you see the mental plan she is making, and for what purpose?

She is setting this up to keep her greencard via marriage with Gino and setting the stage for her affair to be accepted - possibly also by the government!

Now she is pregnant with another man’s baby and still married to Gino, probably tagging him against his consent - to protect her legal status and whatever benefits come from being married legally.

I also wonder if this was supposed to be her American anchor baby?! She got pregnant before the election results (so maybe it will backfire now since they are trying to take away birthright citizenship), but if she knew Gino was going to divorce her she had to secure her status somehow. Makes so much sense now. She is top level crazy, maybe more than Angela and Ed, just more smart than them about it!

She is absolutely diabolical as she is manipulating everyone on the resort and trying to manipulate the storyline to protect herself - all premeditated.

Gino is being held hostage. I knew she was a terror but this… this is a mastermind and she is playing the LONG GAME!

Jasmine is purely diabolical, ruin your life, drama starting woman.