Should I try to unpotty train myself?

Lately I've been thinking about unpotty training. I've seen some people do it and being very happy with the results.

I am already 24/7 and unpotty training seems like the natural evolution, at least for someone who is 24/7, never uses the toilet, and has no desire to go back. Like, why would I need to hold the pee if I'm wearing diapers?!

I've been trying to pee pretty much regularly every 1-2 hours (except while sleeping), even when I don't feel the need to, mainly because I don't like to suddenly flood the diaper, which is also more likely to cause leaks.

What do ya'll think about unpotty training? Is it a long process? Do you know a good resource written by someone who have done it (and not made-up stories)? When did you start to see the first results? Do you regret doing it? Every opinion is accepted :)

Thank you!!