I can't get used to this
The cold, harsh reality of the internet was a difficult one to adjust to for my innocent mind. I'm not used to the hostility and negativity that surrounds us.
It's a harsh world for a naive person like me. No matter what I say or do, I can never please everyone. They'll always find something to disagree with, something to hate.
I just can't help but question if I even belong here. I was never meant for such a hostile environment.
The internet can be a scary place. As soon as I put myself out there, people are ready to criticize and hate. It feels like no matter what I do, I can never do right in their eyes.
I just want to connect with others and share my thoughts and feelings, but it seems that the only response I get is hate and criticism.
People on the internet are some of the biggest assholes you will ever meet. They'll come for your throat at the drop of a hat, no matter who you are. I've been around long enough to know that, trust me.
It's like they're just waiting for someone to say something they don't like, so they can pounce and tear them down.
It makes me feel so worthless and hopeless when people tear me down like that. I just don't understand what I did to deserve their hate.