My wife wants another baby, I don’t think it’s a good idea

My wife 34F and I 30M have two children who are 36 months and 19 months. My wife has recently decided that she really wants to have another child. Her reasoning is that she has always envisioned having three children. When I even hint that I’m not sure about having a third, she gets mad at me and says that I had said we could have four when we got married. That was six year ago and nobody really knows what it’s like to raise a child until they actually do it.

I’m not opposed to the idea, but there are some things that make me hesitate. First off, we never have sex anymore. We probably average once a month which to me is not healthy for a young couple. I’ve been patient and not complained especially during pregnancy and when the kids were infants. I’ve brought it up before and she simply says that she doesn’t want to anymore. I just do not understand how she can want another child but does not want to have sex. I know if I tell her no on having a baby that’ll definitely cut me off for a long time but if we do have a third, I don’t think it’ll actually fix the issue.

Another issue I have is the financial strain of a third child. We would have to get another car, which is a huge expense. Also childcare, which we are currently lucky my mother-in-law watches them for a fairly cheap price, but if something happens to her, we will go broke putting them into daycare.

A third child would also exhaust for both of us. We are finally done with making formula and our second is beginning to start potty training. I really don’t want to start over again with bottles and diapers (which are also very expensive). The pregnancy and first few months of having a new baby will definitely take its toll on her and I don’t mind stepping up and doing everything with the other two in the meantime. I already do about half the cooking and for some reason I am the only one who cleans. I do the dishes, sweep/mop, vacuum and clean the bathrooms. I also am the only one who takes care of the pets (cat,dog) which have been around longer than I have. I don’t mind doing extra, but it doesn’t feel appreciated.

I really just want an honest opinion from others on if my feelings are valid or if I should just suck it up and have a third.