AITA For Half purposely outing my closeted ex?
Me, (16M) and my ex (16M) were “together” for about 3 weeks. He dumped me for no reason, and I just went on with life until recently he came up to me in school to ask if I told anyone that we kissed or were together. I did, I told my friends because at the time we weren’t broken up and I told my friends. Also, while we were together my birthday passed and when it was my birthday he decided to eat with me and my friends at our table and he was touching me, holding my hand etc. We also held hands while walking home, since we had to go in the same direction before splitting paths at some point. Anyway, he asked me if I told anybody because his friends questioned him if it’s true that he kissed a guy. Is this my fault? Should I feel bad or something? When I asked my friends for input they just said to not care since he did me wrong anyways.