AITAH For feeling so much anger towards my roommate

My friend (24M) and I (24F) decided to share an apartment.Prior to living together,we have been good friends for quite a while that is why I felt like it wasn't a bad idea to do so(live together).We decided that since we will be living together,we should split everything entailing living together 50/50.That means rent we split 50/50,household expenses to be split 50/50 and the household chores to be split 50/50.Everything was going well at first,we paid the bills on time and even helping each other with the chores.But since we came back from the holidays, I've been doing all the chores around the house.I have been cleaning, cooking,even taking out the trash.I mean I will be out by 8 in the morning and when I return in the evening,he is still in the blankets,and the house reeking of smoke from his smoking habits while the dishes still pile up in the sink.Then a while ago he told me that I should be doing majority of the cleaning and cooking because I am a woman and it's my responsibility.But I feel like as long as I'm also contributing 50% and sometimes even more to the bills that he should also contribute on his side to the chores. It's not like we are in a relationship or anything for me to feel any sort of responsibility towards taking care of him, I mean we are just friends.Am I an asshole for feeling like this?? Last week I caught the cold but I was still the one doing everything in the house,when I did ask him to cook he would only wash the dishes he was going to use and leave the rest in the sink.I feel tired but at the same time I don't know if I'm justified to feel this way, I mean it's either he is sleeping in the house, playing guitar or he is out and comes back complaining how tired and hungry he is.Should I speak out or am I overreacting