AITAH for rewriting the entire group project?
So I (19m) despise basically every single person I meet at my university.
Not a single one of them actually has the quality of work ethic that I will accept or even begin to allow to exist around me, because quite frankly this particular set of people are lucky to consider themselves sapient.
I consider poor quality of work to be a genuine, honest-to-God insult to my very existence.
Their work for their respective parts was entirely underwhelming. I am being exceedingly kind by describing it as underwhelming.
A middle schooler could genuinely do better than half of these worthless, air-sucking wastes of matter.
So, I decided "Hey! I don't want to commit academic suicide!"
And I chose not to sleep to completely rewrite the travesty of an assignment that they shat out onto digital paper.
We ended up getting a 93%, but all of the others were like "Well uhhh you shouldn't have uhhh done that we worked hard on it!!"
A chimpanzee can work very hard at painting the Mona Lisa with its own shit.
That doesn't mean it is going to be worthwhile or good.