AITAH for telling my husband that I don't care about how my outfit looks in public?

Throwaway account for privacy.

I (34F) am married to Max (36M); we've been married for two years. I love Max very deeply and we have a very happy marriage, except for one thing he does that bugs me - I wanted to get advice from the people here because I don't know if I'm going crazy.

Max is very fashion-conscious and is always trying to look proper for every occasion. I'm far more casual in my own attire (I don't care if I'm wearing sweats to the grocery store as long as I'm properly covered), although I always try to dress appropriately for every occasion. However, Max loves to correct my clothing if it's off in any way. For example: we might get out of a car or the subway and I need to adjust my shirt, and Max will immediately say, "Babe, fix your shirt" or "Babe, I can see your belly", even though I've literally just stood up and I'm doing several things at once (fixing my clothes, getting my keys and phone, etc.). He does it so constantly that I've started telling him to mind his own business because I'm getting super frustrated at how closely he monitors my outfits. The thing is that I'm a bit overweight (although I've lost over 30 lbs so far!), and whenever I ask him if he'd say the same thing if I were skinny, he never responds. So I get frustrated that he's constantly correcting my clothing, even in situations where I'm doing multiple things and will correct my clothing shortly. It gives me the impression that he's ashamed of my body and he doesn't want anyone to see that I have a slight belly. It got to the point where I snapped, "Max, I don't give a f***, stop riding me about this!". Max got offended, said that it was his right as my husband to comment, and then stormed off. We were in the parking lot of a supermarket and he sulked throughout the entire trip to buy groceries, and it wasn't until we got home and had changed clothes that he told me that it bothered him whenever my clothes went 'awry' during a trip (on the subway, in the car, wherever). I told that it happens to a lot of people and he can't constantly judge me in public like that because it's embarrassing for him to call me on it so often in public - he could just trust me to adjust my outfit without needing to constantly be reminded. He said that he would want to know if it were him, to which I said that I've never corrected his outfit because he's a grown man and not a small child. Now he's upset at me for potentially never correcting his outfit whenever we leave the house, even though there's never honestly been an issue where I've had to say anything.

So, AITAH for telling my husband to STFU about correcting my outfits in public?