Joined the DVA-C02 club!

Passed DVA-C02, woohooo! Took about 2.5 months of prep - used a combination of stephane / TD practice exams.

Honorary post for those thinking about taking it or currently studying for it.

General Exam: - Holy hell S3 on steroids. SO much S3 (convinced I just got an unlucky draw of questions) - Lots of Lambda - Heavy on Cloudformation templates (i.e. resources, function refs) - A good amount on cross account IAM/security

Surprises: - Didn’t get a single question on X-Ray, Beanstalk, or envelope encryption. - SUPER deep level EKS question that caught me off guard lol - Very EventBridge heavy. Was not expecting that

I already have the SAA. Might go for security next? We’ll see.