Money stuff

I struggle with if I am supposed to be doing this for free bc she took care of me or if I need to be financial about it all.

Its costing me a great deal of energy, time and my bills are high. I do a lot of caregiving for my mom. She lives with us. I have been encouraging her to drive again after she gave up her license 10 years ago. She won't take the bus. Before she lived w me it was cabs everywhere. Bc we live rurally there is only 1 senior transit they charge roughly $20 round trip. Her medical appts are often 1-2 hrs out of town. I am driving her around a lot, 7 months pregnant and with toddler in tow.

I am responsible for all the home care + cooking, cleaning and errands, and any social stuff driving all that falls to me. Currently we split bills and rent 1/3 for her 2/3 for me and my husband. My husband has his own vehicle he pays about $500 on and I have a car, I pay about $1000 a month for it with gas, car payment and insurance. When I asked if she would contribute to the driving costs she offered $50.

I felt a bit annoyed by that. Wasn't sure if she just wasn't aware of what it costs or if she was worried about budget but I broke down what we pay and she was still thinking $50. After that I dropped it and I started asking her to sign up for senior transit and cabs bc when my newborn comes I will be less inclined to do this stuff for her when she doesn't even throw me gas money.

Then I end up feeling bad and getting sucked in to taking her to appts anyways bc if I am home it makes no sense for her to pay a cab. And the cycle continues.. would love opinions!