To the Sober People on Election Day

If you’re not sober by choice or sober in recovery, feel free to keep scrolling…

Tough times to be without drugs and alcohol, right? In my 14 years there have been many times I’ve wanted to numb out until everything gets hazy. While that’s still an option, I’ve lived many miracles and I’m not willing to trade them or give away my sobriety because I’m anxious or scared.

That’s a luxury I cannot afford. Period. We see others indulge in oblivion in trying times and I know I get jealous occasionally.

Listen, don’t give away your hard work. It’s so, so hard to get sober. Staying sober requires the maintenance of our spiritual condition. You’re not alone. This too shall pass.

Pray, vote, pray, go to a meeting, pray, go to sleep. You’ve got this.

<God>, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.