AIO. Is my bf overreacting to this situation?

Conversation between myself (31m) and my bf (36m) we've been together for over 10 years Some context: We rarely fight but when we do it's over really petty stupid shit that I feel he blows way out of proportion and I think the following conversation shows a good example of this.

Some context: my bf hit a deer w our subaru and it's in the shop so we have a rental car for the time being. LAST Tuesday (1/14 )morning we were getting in the rental so he could take me to work at 6am and he hit his head pretty hard on the rental car just not paying attention cuz it's a little smaller than out subaru. He works in a Dr office so that Wednesday (1/15) he had himself checked out cuz he had a bad headache/ symptoms associated with a concussion. So he went home and they wrote him a Dr note to be off work til Monday (1/20) . Now I'll be completely honest i think he's really playing up the concussion bit, like he hit his head pretty hard but we've knocked heads accidentally harder before and there were no long lasting issues and he's also had no problems constantly being on his phone/watching tv/ being on his computer which I feel like if it was as serious as he's acting like it is he'd be avoiding those things. Now I won't question the severity of his symptoms at the time or even like this past Tuesday but it's straight up been a week and 2 days of a relatively minor head bump and it really feels like he's using it as ammo against me.

What happened: today he was dropping me off at work. I leave my duffel bag in the rear passenger seat of the car so I don't leave the house without it as it has important work required items in it. I got out of the car, attempted to tug the door handle but it was locked, waited a moment, attempted again, still locked, so I then knocked on the REAR PASSENGER WINDOW of the car. This is something my bf does all the time. Our subaru has a key that will unlock the driver side door if you pull the handle and the key is on your person, it will not unlock the other doors so if I'm like fumbling the key it takes me a minute to unlock so he like pulls the door handle or knocks on the passenger door even tho its obvious I'm making an attempt to unlock the door, it's honestly mildly annoying but i don't really say anything bc it's not anything I feel like I should make a fuss over. (This is why him doing the same thing was mentioned) I will also mention I could see him in the car and from my POV I didn't see him moving his hand or anything towards the unlock button which is why I knocked and didn't just wait. When the door was finally unlocked I got my bag and he started screaming at me I honestly don't even know what he said and then I get his texts shortly after. It was also like -6f this morning so I was literally standing outside in sub zero temps and I was already 2 mins late to work so I really just wanted to grab my bag and go inside to start my shift. We were laughing together and stuff before this on the drive to work so I honestly feel blindsided by this whole thing and I just really feel like he takes things from 0 to 100 super fast. My first "I'm sorry" was super passive aggressive but his texts honestly annoyed me so bad I just couldn't help myself. The hypocrisy just really gets to me. The night before we were howling loudly with our dogs (if we howl they'll howl. We don't have any neighbors lol) which HAD to be louder than me knocking on the rear passenger window (not anywhere near his head) This is a lot longer than i was expecting it to be but I wanted to be as detailed as possible to really paint a full picture from my point of view of what transpired. Based on this text string does anyone else think he is overreacting to the situation?