[UPDATE] AIO: Found out my long term partner didn't disclose possible HIV exposure and I'm not taking it well at all

Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIOverreacting/s/rj1vXuC8oI

I just want to thank everyone for the support on my last post. These past two weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster, but I finally have some good news, my first test came back negative.

To address some common questions in the comments:

Was the girl undetectable? Yes, thankfully, she was undetectable. I also found out she has HSV-2 along with HIV, but she informed me she didn’t have an active outbreak at the time they hooked up. So, overall, this is reassuring news.

Did I stay with him? No, I left him. This situation really opened my eyes to the reality of what I was living through. I now recognize that I was in an abusive relationship,, isolated from friends and family, emotionally manipulated, and physically and verbally abused. Since leaving, I’ve been able to reconnect with my loved ones, and they have been incredibly supportive. I am so happy and lucky to have them in my life again.

I've completely blocked my ex on all platforms. Unfortunately, I had to involve the police when he showed up at my house, threatening to take his own life. It was a really scary moment, I was home alone and felt completely vulnerable. Because of this, I now have a protective order in place, if he tries to contact me, he will be arrested. Thankfully, my roommate’s mom is a police officer, and she has given me a lot of guidance through all of this. I’ve sought out therapy and have my first session in a few days. There’s a lot to process, and I know the road to healing will be long, but I finally feel like Im moving in the right direction. I also have more testing to do in the coming months, but the outlook is hopeful. Again, I want to thank everyone for their support. Your messages, advice, and resources helped me realize the truth of my situation and take the steps I needed to get out. I appreciate you all more than I can say.