AITA for being frustrated with my rich boyfriend for trying to give me money advice?

My boyfriend (24M) and I (24F) are moving in together in June. We have been together for 3.5 years. I have been in grad school for the past few years, have significant student loan debt and will not have any steady income until September after I graduate and start my job.

I have some money in savings so am planning to use that to survive and pay rent the next few months. He was trying to be helpful and help me create a budget but kept overstepping and making me feel stupid. I don’t think this was his intentions but I felt very frustrated and I told him to back off as I felt he just couldn’t understand.

For context, he makes a ton of money, has a trust fund, a huge inheritance coming his way in a few years, and he receives from his parents yearly THREE TIMES the amount I am trying to survive on for the next 6 months. So financially we are on different planets.

He said something along the lines of “you’re lucky I love you and am paying more for rent because it’s not really equal” (he is paying 2:1 based on his income, family money and my debt which we agreed on).

I kind of lost it on him. I told him he has no idea what it’s like and his advice means nothing to me because he comes at it with such a sense of privilege. Of course he took this the wrong way and stormed out and said not to talk to him. AITA for getting frustrated with him and bringing up our differences in finances?

Edit: for context, my hard situation is that I am in graduate school and am getting paid via grants (very little amounts) it’s confusing. He was trying to help me be less stressed and tbf had really good intentions. I felt like he wouldn’t let me figure it out on my own despite me saying over and over I wanted to because frankly he was just making me more stressed. He has not and never has made any comments about what I spend my money on.

I had also found out he had taken my post grad job salary and made a note of how I should budget it which I found insulting and overstepping. I am financially literate and have a lot in savings, I am good with money overall. I just have been in school now for 7 years for an advanced degree and at the moment am low on funds.

I also have had a conversation w him and he has apologized for the “you’re lucky” comment. He realizes that even the amount we are splitting isn’t equitable and says he didn’t mean it that way.