Is the UK really that bad to move to?
I’m a dual citizen of the UK & US as is my daughter. Lived in UK over 20 years ago. Husband is an attorney with 20+ years exp who is qualified to practice in the UK. We are in FL with nice house, jobs etc. However, we are struggling with the new political arena and the real impacts it will have on our family in the future. Also, not enjoying FL and constantly worried about storms, school shootings, etc etc. Would love to relocate to France but the language barrier would be an issue, alongside visas etc. Our ideal life in the UK would be in a rural community with plenty space to take walks, fresh air etc.; the opportunity for my husband to resume his career in the UK & good educational options for our child. However, I am learning that the UK has struggles of its own, employment opportunities are low and that the everything is pretty much doom and gloom! How true is this? Anyone here who has made the move from FL to UK & not regretted it? We really are looking to establish a plan to get out of here when it becomes unlivable.