Is a bachelor's in accounting enough to qualify for a skilled worker visa?
My partner (23 mtf) and I (27f) are looking to move to Europe next year. I will finishing my bachelor's in accounting by the end of the year and have worked in the finance industry for 5 years (3 years in credit/lending, 2 in accounts payable). I've looked into a lot different countries Visas requirements and know a lot places have some kind of skilled worker visa but I'm not sure if a bachelor's is enough and if accounting is a field anywhere is struggling to fill.
My partner doesn't have a degree and won't be able to get one before we move, she has 4 years IT help desk experience. She's also interested in going back to school and looking into student Visas.
I also qualify for Italian citizenship through descent byt I have no idea how it will take to get, I have been trying just to book the appointment for 8 months.
The current countries we are have been looking at are Germany, Czech, France, UK, and Iceland. We currently don't't know any other languages besides English, when we decided on a place plan to start learning the local language.
I'm looking for any advice on if just a bachelor's degree is enough for a skilled worker visa somewhere or if I need a masters degree, and any suggestions on counties to look into.