Beginner Option for Workout plans?
Hey hey!
Looking for some advice here- As an avid apple user (apple tv, watch, phone, air pods) and someone larger who's been looking for more exciting ways to work out that aren't just walking, apple fitness + seemed (and still seems, more on that later) to be an interesting prospect. As someone who already uses Strava plus, I redeemed my free 3 months to give it a shot.
Initially, I started by trying to create a custom workout plan just by inputting the days of the week, time, and workout types. I was searching for a beginner setting as someone who doesn't really workout outside of some walking, hiking, and skiing. I tried the first workout, which was a HIIT workout w/ Kim. Unfortunately, as someone who's very inexperienced w/ working out in general, she went through the moves a little too fast and I started falling behind. In addition, my fat ass really struggled w/ the Burpees and some of the other moves. I want absolutely state, I'm not judging the program or videos, as for someone with probably even a moderate amount of knowledge and who's in better shape it's probably no issue.
After a bit of searching online, I did find some beginner specific videos. I did (funny enough) a beginner HIIT workout w/ Kim and it was fantastic. Perfect pace and easy to learn moves.
As to my question(s)? First- is there a way to seek out these beginner workouts in the app? I was searching through dozens of videos, and I couldn't seem to filter for them or even find them unless I googled them and opened a link that took me to the app. Second- is there a way to create a workout plan specifically for beginners? The idea behind the custom workouts seems awesome and is something I hope I can utilize. Third (and mostly unrelated to everything else I've mentioned, but still just a question I have)- How is the pickleball playlist in terms of intensity/difficulty? I think that would be a great playlist to work through assuming it's not too much above my "pay grade" so to speak haha!