Are you able to move on?
It's rather a question than a confession. I was in love with someone back in the day. We lived together while we were studying at RGU, but then she moved to her hometown and dumped me for her ex-boyfriend.Fast forward, after that, I talked with several girls. One girl even approached me and was very nice, but I still couldn't feel the same love for her that I used to for my ex, and after some time, we stopped talking. Even now, I'm talking with someone, but I have no interest in it. I don't pick up her calls and have no interest in talking with her. I found a girl on Facebook too; we chatted a bit, but now again, I've lost interest. It seems like I'm never going to fall in love again. nowadays I have been quite technical while dating rather than emotional as I used to. My question is have you moved on from your first love?