Struggling to fit in regional Australia, any advice?
I'm 28m Pom, so I'm pretty much a city boy by Australian standards and so I moved to a regional town as I married my wife who is from here, had a couple of kids and ive been here 5 or so years now and I still feel like I struggle to fit in...
I've never really had that struggle too much elsewhere, I used to live in Brisbane and had plenty of friends but since moving to regional Aus...yea its just hard...I feel I literally have no mates. I can't click with anyone, my interests are often so different and I feel most men think of me as some soft city boy who doesn't deserve respect because I know nothing of mechanics or 'how the real world works' - I pretty much heard that down the grapevine from a sort of mutual friend.
Even my hobbies I'd consider masculine in the city are just like...frowned upon here...I love boxing, grappling, lifting weights and anything fitness and anybody here just sees it as pretty boy bullshit that has no space in the real world. I've even had people shout shit at me out of cars whilst going for a run which I've never had in the city...ive even had bewildered farmers offer me a lift whilst running and I've tried explaining I'm running for fun and the fella just would get it! Lol
Anything I'm good at is just, not respected I'm very computer literate and not too many people around here are and whilst they thank me for sorting whatever computer problem out its like...when I ask for help with my car as I know little to anything about mechanics its are you stupid, what do you mean you don't know where the alternator is" lol
I've tried my hardest to fit in, there are definitely things I love doing here you cant do in the city, like hunting and going paddock bashing, I've even recently started getting into cars and have bought a project commodore to do up despite knowing fuck all about cars lol
I just I just feel I'm really dumb, like I don't know how to build or do fencing or anything about stock work so I'm just some like...dumbass and it sort of hurts feeling like a dumbass all the time....sometimes, especially family, I wish I could take them to the city and just make them feel like dumbasses instead, watch them freak out at traffick lights or not know how to operate basic technology (which reminds me a bit funny - took my brother in law to the city and he'd never been on an escalator before and he must have ran up and down it like 5 times...dude was like 12 at the time lol)...and I know thats not nice thinking...its egocentric and an unproductive thought...I'm just really sick of feeling like a total dumbass!
Has anybody else gone through this, does it get better? Am I to stay feeling like a dumbass for the rest of my life?