First time shooting stars
Hi 👋
My friend last minute wanted to go to Torrance Barrens to view some stars tonight. Apparently the planets are supposed to align?
Anywho, I do landscape/portrait photography but have never dipped into astrophotography. Based on some quick searching, it looks like I’ll need a fast/wide lens. Something I don’t really have. I have a Nikon Zf and have some lens options..
Nikon AI-S/Canon LTM (Old, Manual focus) : 35mm 2.0, 50mm 1.4
As for modern lenses, I have a 40mm 2.0, 24-120mm f4, and a 70-200 2.8.
Which lenses do you think I should be using? I’m leaning towards bringing the 24-120 f4 for the wide angle, and the 50 1.4 since it’s a fast lens.
Using some ChatGPT it looks like there’s a basic formula to use for the shutter speed…
24mm on full frame 500/24 =20s exposure and lower if I see star trails Start at ISO 6400 and lower if it’s too noisy. Long exposure noise reduction, and high ISO noise reduction off?
I don’t currently have any software for stacking, I don’t mind purchasing after the fact so any shots I should be taking for post?