Question for my gay bros in a relationship

I’m a 31-year-old guy with ADHD, happily married to another man. Life’s good overall—great job, awesome husband, all that. But there’s one thing that’s been messing with me lately, and I could use some advice.

Over the last few years, my sex drive has gotten way higher. Like, I’m usually in the mood once or twice a day. My husband doesn’t have the same drive, and it’s been causing some tension. When he’s not into it, I sometimes feel rejected or even irrationally angry, which I know isn’t fair to him.

So, here’s where I need help: 1. Is this level of sex drive normal, or could it be tied to my ADHD? 2. Are there ways to handle this without jumping straight to meds? 3. If I do consider medication to lower my sex drive, is that even fair to our relationship? I’m a little scared meds could mess with my personality or energy, which are things I really like about myself.

If anyone’s been through something similar or has any tips, I’d love to hear them. Thanks for reading and for any advice you’ve got!