Who do you think the best Bond villain is?

For me, it is between Dr No, Goldfinger and Raoul Silva. Silva is in some ways the most believable and arguably the most sympathetic. Goldfinger is the greatest crowd pleaser (Oddjob and his desire for untraceable currency has aged well in today’s world of Crypto).

However I’d still go with Dr No. He is the most horrific (and in the book he is a true sadist) and all the archetypes of what we lost associate with a Bond villain originate with him in the movies 1) Disabled in some way and uses this as a weapon with his prosthetic hands which later seal his own doom 2) Exotic backstory in the form of having been a treasurer for the Tongs who he then ripped off 3) Straddles between nations and seeks to profit from the East/West binary with Spectre.

Goldfinger was the peak villain for me, but Dr No really started it all (at least in the films).