My partner recently purchased a car that stinks of cigarette smoke, how do we get rid of the smell?
My partner bought a car, he had £3k knocked off the price because it STINKS of cigarette smell. To put the smell into perspective it smells like someone has smoked 50 cigarettes a day in that car with the windows closed for over 30 years lol. (Even though the car is 1 year old)
We thought it would be a quick fix, we bought car furniture smell that ‘removes cigarette smell’, we bought a car bomb that you put in your car and let it off with the aircon running and it releases a nice smelling odour, we put smellies up. This morning, to our dismay, the smell is still 99% cigarette smoke.
Is there ANYTHING we can do? If you’re in the car for longer than a minute you come out reeking of cigarettes. Are car cleaners able to clean this smell out or is there ANYTHING we can buy. Willing to do/buy anything