How do you plan for redundancies?

I've just received an email on this fine Monday morning which tells me that a significant amount of redundancies at my workplace will be happening over the next couple of months.

I don't know if I'll be affected but with a mortgage, car and dog to pay for (and an upcoming engagement), I'm losing my marbles a bit.

AskUk'ers, have you been in the same position? How did you plan for the worst? Do you have a particularly British plan, like going to the Winchester and waiting for it all to blow over?

Any comments, words of wisdom, or tea related puns are greatly appreciated.

Edit: Just wanted to thank everyone for their comprehensive, thoughtful and helpful replies. I've realised I've got at least 5 months before D-Day, so I'll use all of this stuff to get me in a good place for a decision either way. Appreciate you all.