Feeling punished for my age

I recently got back on the dating apps after a breakup. The last time I was on them was in 2020 (I was 29). The difference in matches/conversations/quality dates has been pretty shocking. I started taking my mental and physical health more seriously, picked up a few new hobbies I'm really proud of, went back to therapy, and invested more in community. I look and feel like a better partner than I did two years ago. But, the difference in who I am able to match, chat and meet with has felt really stark.

It's putting me in a headspace where I feel like I have to aim lower due to my age, when in every other way I feel like I bring more to the table than I did before. I try to be open minded about how attraction can grow over time, and don't care about whether a guy has the same hobbies as me. I've wrote out my list of non negotiables over and over, and am just focused on finding men with those qualities. However the stark difference between then and now makes me feel terrible.

Did any of you date from your late twenties into your early thirties or beyond, and notice how swiping changed? How did you deal with it?