Disturbingly high emotions that last maybe a week, two weeks at best? Then burn out. What, why, and how do I manage it better?

As of maybe the last several months, it's become common for me to have a string of really good days. But they don't last.

And when I say really good, I mean REALLY good. I'm on my A game, I'm confident, I'm social, I'm hilarious... yeah I still have a low hum of depression/anxiety in the background but it's very easy to manage.

However, it's not always easy to manage these good moods and I can get so swept up in it that I accidentally burn myself out - it's like my brain short circuits and forces me to shut down.

Recently I had about two weeks of very high emotions and was the most social I'd been in a while. I got to a point where I could manage it fairly well, but my emotions (good and bad) were still very sensitive.

One day I only slept for 2 hours yet went clubbing the night after because I had so much energy. That has never happened.

After the two weeks, I became overstimulated at work and felt very self destructive, anxious, then so depressed and exhausted that I couldn't sit up and had to take two days off.

Is it just burn out? Maybe I should have socialised less, despite really wanting to? But I don't like ignoring my desires.

Is this something anyone else has had? I just want to understand how it works and if I can do anything to manage it better.


I'm an adult, female, not on any new meds or new drugs, and may also have autism and ADHD.

People do tend to overstimulate me, but I'm usually a lot better at managing my social battery.