My position will likely be terminated

Hi everyone,

I need support but all advice is welcome too.

Me and my husband both work at our local library in different positions. Mine is almost certainly going to be treminated due to huge budget cuts. His is likely safe but not 100% certainly. This is happening on the county level so there will be no available library jobs anywhere near.

We can not afford to live off one income

I am trained for nothing pretty much, can handle nothing (i am extremely useless in stressful situations) and i have no idea what to do.

We will only know in mid-January what positons are terminated but just trust me on this one, mine will be one of them. It is the newest position, it is the least necessary for the day-to-day life of the library and it has a relatively high cost. It is going away for sure.

Any ideas on how to save? Where to look for a job? What to do?

EDIT TO ADD: I am in Slovakia. No unemployment benefits for me but at least I do not have to worry about health insurance