Destroying the Bedroom

Update: Seriously thank you to all of y’all for being so kind, gentle constructive, and supportive. This is a huge reason why I love this group and feel comfortable reaching out when my husband and I are stumped on what to do. This really is a great community. 🙏🏼💗

We recently moved into our new home. I busted my tail painting their room and fully decorating it. They love their room, and I made it a point to be the most colorful room in the house. My sister made a comment “you know they’re going to destroy their room” and of course I know how they are but I want them to learn that they can’t rip stuff off the walls.

Every morning I wake up to come into their room and find stuff ripped off the walls. I’m almost in the point of tears. I’m a gentle parent for the most part; I will raise my voice out of frustration and then I feel guilt afterwards. They’re turning 4 this week. I know it’s expected that they’re toddlers and they’re going to rip and break things; I just feel like we’re not making any progress on not touching things. I just feel so defeated 😔