3rd trimester movement with anterior placenta
What were your babies movements like in the 3rd trimester with an anterior placenta? I already have the worst anxiety and having an anterior placenta has been the WORST for me. My doctor told me at my last appointment (30 weeks) that moving forward it is normal to feel the baby less in the 3rd trimester and one or two "episodes" of movement a day are considered normal (not just one kick but feeling a few movements at a time). He also said it would be normal for the movements to feel less strong. However, everything I'm reading online basically says the opposite.
I'm trying my best not to panic when I don't feel my baby for a while or when her movements feel a little smaller, but its so hard. I've already gone in before for an NST due to decreased fetal movement (everything thankfully turned out fine) but with the rate of my anxiety, I'll be going in like once a week for one lol.
I'd love to hear the experience of other moms with anterior placentas who don't feel crazy amounts or super strong fetal movement. Thank you!