Anyone’s mom not supportive of your pregnancy?

I’m 27, with a committed partner and i just found out im having my second baby. She wasn’t very supportive with the first baby, but eventually came around, bought stuff off of the registry, and i can tell she cares about my son, but only checks in from time to time. Now this time, she knows very early on because I was told I was having a miscarriage. That however wasn’t the case. I didn’t get a congratulations or any happy words from her at all. Instead all she told me was I was making the same mistakes she did, and started making up scenarios about what i’d have to do if my partner ended up leaving me. I tried telling her i was happy and more stable this go around, but she didn’t seem interested in hearing it. I could understand if she was supporting me, or had to buy stuff for the baby, or had to babysit. But, she doesn’t have to do any of that. Any advice? My feelings are pretty hurt.