I am genuinely concerned and need advice

This is my first time posting to reddit, I hope I'm doing this correctly. Anywho, I walk past a house in my neighborhood twice a day when I walk Mt dig. They have a fairly large yard and all the way by the gate, as far from the house you could get, is a very small coop and a very small enclosure with 5 chickens. I go at different times during the day and it doesn't matter, they never have water, they never have food, I've never seen a power chord to suggest supplied heat. There is no grass, grass literally everywhere else except for where the chickens are. Their coop seems very small along with the rest of the enclosure. I know nothing of owning chickens but I'm passionate about all animals. I'm in Portland oregon and it's winter here. These chickens don't look happy or healthy. I will include photos of their coop so you guys can see their conditions. What should I do? Should I call someone or is this acceptable? 🤔