Traffic in Bahrain
Seems like I'm not the only one who's suffering from the increasing number of cars in Bahrain everyday. So here's my humble opinion. No hate/offence intended at all to ANYONE. I am not here to rant, just expressing my thoughts.
The only solution that can take place here is the proper establishment of puplic transport. No amount of bridges, roads, lanes wil fix the problem. Take it or leave it.
Thats not the whole case though. How many of you will actually leave their fancy cars for even a clean reliable transport? I don't think much will. I took the Red bus when it first came out when l was in high school and man, some times it took ages, that was YEARS ago, imagine now. And tbf sometimes it was a life saver.
Till today I don't see anyone taking the bus other than the workers. Taking public transport is just not in the culture. Till that changes, I don't think much will change.
I really am looking forward for the metro and l hope it can be reliable and affordable. More importantly l hope that more non workers start to consider public transport if it actually gets implemented. For the love of god, at least students.
I personally arrange with friends to ride together as much as possible to Uni, or anywhere else when possible, l think thats common sense, even though we live way too far apart. We alone can take one car instead of four. But how many of you are willing to do so? This saves money, gas and smoke thats for sure. In uni every single student has their own car. How insane is that LOL?? if we have only 1k students that mean how many cars? Measure that on other establishments too.
You all notice how bloody hot it gets in summer for so many V8s and too many unnecessary engines on the road. Everyone has the right to enjoy their car. I myself am a huge car enthusiast, l can drive all day long, l dont mind, but at this point, we arent even reaching a proper speed necessary to get somewhere without spending 40 - 60 mins for a daily commute, sometimes more. Picking up my little bro from school takes less than 2 hours. What?? This becomes really stressful after a long day of work/school.
Oh and yes the amount of talabat cars is absolutely ridiculous, and talabat bikes, those have a different story, refusing to leave the left lane on a highways... what in the actual ?
Again, Yes everyone has the right to enjoy their own car, but remember, thats only more cars on the road so stop complaining lol, and start with your self when you can.
Peace ✌🏻