star sign and voucher holders wanting overpay

YAP AHEAD I DIDNT FORMAT THIS. it's just crazy how much people want overpay when they hold a star sign. I offered a wavy yellow, two pink chairs, and a beesmas light (which is literally overpay btw) and they didnt even want to give me virgo star sign, saying that it was significant underpay. Vouchers are even worse. In one trade, I payed for a Double gather voucher with 2 beesmas lights, dark flame, shy bear (or some brown bear sticker worth like half a star sign i think), and stump snail. Those were worth 1.5 of a star sign which ig is about equal pay but the person selling the voucher was acting as if I got a significant underpay trade. Like it's literally two beesmas lights, a rare sticker you drop from a mob that spawns in 2 days, a sticker that takes a long time to grind for, and a high demand rng sticker. They wanted vacuum too but I forgot and I think the other guy forgot as well. They were honestly probably just saying random stickers that are "meta" hoping I would give ALL of them just because they hold vouchers that could be easily obtained with real money. Can't imagine how bad it would be to trade for bbv if trying to get a star sign and the third most cheap voucher is this hard.