Consumers of Binance urged to file for legal action with - STEERING COMMITTEE

Embargo - August 19th 9:00 EST - Geneva, Switzerland

From significant progress and tremendous developments incurring from the span of a four-week consultative progress. It has been announced - the official motion for global arbitrative action against Binance has ensued. All affected Ethereum consumers of the Binance platform(s) are urged to file, with immediate correspondence, for arbitrative action against Binance Holdings Ltd.

Mr. Darryl Lew, Ms. Abby Cohen - Global Director(s) of the Arbitrative Effort of White & Case L.L.B. have been assigned as the Legal Attorney(s) in provision of contractual submission of claimant procedures.

Mr. David Kay, Ms. Aija Lejniece, and Mr. Fawaz Ahmed forms the public STEERING BOARD OF DIRECTORS for evaluation of strategy and legal direction of the arbitrative procedure.

Following approval from the Steering Board - claimant submission eligibility have been extended to include all affected Binance consumers of the Binance platform within a one (1) year period from October 1st, 2021.

Thank you for the support and continued commitment of the crypto community for progress, innovation and freedom of economic equity.

Justin Su-Cole

Lead Advisor and Electronic Press Correspondent to the Steering Committee Board of Directors.