Anyone else spend a significant amount of time every day fixing all of the misidentified/unidentified birds from your postcards?

I love my BirdBuddy, but this drives me literally insane😭For what we paid for these contraptions, the bird identifier is unacceptable. I wish I could just disable it altogether. I am so sick of all of the super easy to identify "mystery visitors" in my postcards. I'm so sick of getting notifications telling me that a painted bunting visited my feeder when it was one of my cardinals who visits every day.

I'm aware there's a setting to "ignore mystery visitors." I'm also aware that I can tweak my settings to receive less postcards. But that just means seeing less birds, and that's not a real solution to my problem. I actually want to see more birds, but I want them to either be correctly identified or not identified at all.

Sorry for the rant. I wish BirdBuddy would hire some of us to help them fix their issues🫠