Lionsgate Execs expected Borderlands to open at $60 Million
We all know this movie thoroughly tanked, but it’s absolutely shocking to see how far out of touch with reality these movie executives are.
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“Borderlands” was expected to (out)perform with around $60 million, but as previously mentioned, failed to do so and then some.”
And now Gearbox CEO Randall Pitchford III, one of the developers of the game and an executive producer for the movie is having a bit of a meltdown on twitter after seeing the results and turned to blaming the press for the films dismal opening weekend. Going so far as to block anyone that has shed a negative light on the film.
And after reading his take on the movie in this article.
I can say with all confidence, he helped kill this movie and therefore should only be disappointed in himself.
It looks like Randall Pitchford III only cares about his ass being kissed as he’s blocking any naysayers. Seems extremely petty, remember this behavior before you give this man your hard earned money.