Bonnie will be worse than Doug after this update
Bonnie has been struggling hard in the past few months and Supercell refuses to rework with any of her kit. But once the update drops, several factors will gut her viability completely.
The Penguin Returns
Mr P finally has a hypercharge, and it’s not friendly towards snipers, especially ones with only one ammo. With Mr. P back in the meta, Bonnie has gained 1 more relevant counter.
Gadget Change
I’m making a bet and say that this gadget at minimum will take 20 seconds to recharge. Why I’m saying this is because her gadget is considered “strong” and that it’s her only good gadget. As a result, Bonnie’s cannon form essentially only has 1 button most of the time being her weak main attack. I’m not including her super as it’s active detrimental to use unless it’s at the right time.
Under-Statted in every aspect
Bonnie’s base stats are quite terrible,
her cannon form was barely viable and that only because her main attack and gadget was to enough to make her strong as another brawler. She lost this and her poking potential has practically went down the drain
Her super is more predictable than Edgar’s jump and her Bonnie form a sitting duck after she lands. No I don’t think a 7 second crash test would be enough to salvage this because even if it did had infinite uses the gadget bad as an approaching tool.
As a whole, you’ll be playing what is 1/4 of brawler for both of her forms.
Her counters are back and relevant, The gadget change will make her use her only viable gadget much less leaving her with one button, her base stats for both forms are awful and doesn’t even measure up to other brawlers with similar abilities.