Would you collaborate on entrepreneurial projects in exchange for receiving a percentage or compensation when the project grows?

Hello everyone, I am working on an idea to create a collaboration platform between entrepreneurs. The main premise is that within the community, entrepreneurs can search for the professional profile they need for their projects (designers, programmers, marketing experts, etc.) and professional profiles can search for projects of interest where they would like to be part and agree with them on a collaboration. The deal would be that that person would be part of the project as another partner (or whatever they agree) but would provide their services at no cost until the project reaches a certain level, at which time they would receive what was agreed upon, whether it be a percentage of the project or a specific sum. I see young people with brilliant ideas but no capital to start hiring professionals or people who understand marketing or SEO... and also many other specialized people who would love to be part of a project.

It is a way to build collaborative projects without the need for upfront capital, and the focus is on creating trusting relationships and fair partnerships within the community.

Before continuing with development, I would like to know if you find this interesting. Would they be part of such a community? Do you think this collaboration model would work? Any comments or suggestions are welcome and very very grateful.