Simpler productivity apps (ToDos & Notes) suggestions.

I wrote this in a comment and thought might be useful for some to have this info here.

I was trying out and loving Todoist until I found out that they are based in the US, truly loved that app, it's top notch for my needs.

I kept researching and I found out about these 3 apps:
- Structured (daily planner):

- Things3:

- SuperList (from the creators of Wunderlist that was sold to Microsoft, which helped them create Microsoft ToDo):

All 3 companies are based in Germany.

I haven't tried Structured, it looks beautiful but it's probably too simple and rigid for my needs.

Things3 is not free but only 1 payment (1 payment per version - MacOS, iOS, iPadOS...). Doesn't allow collaboration at all. It's praised by how their folders/projects can be structured, its clean interface and the most OS native feel to it.

SuperList is closer to Todoist I feel. Free version seems quite good just like in Todoist but paid subscription is more expensive. Its interface is clean like Things but more fun (with changing line separation and sounds). It's cross platform unlike Things. It seems very simple to use but allow for more than just checkbox, you can write notes, bullet points and more, and then convert to checkbox if you want. It's the youngest of the 3, so it still doesn't have phone widgets, or watch apps.

In my search for 'simple' notes app (not Notion competitors), I found out about these:
- Joplin (open source, from France, very privacy oriented):

- Beaver Notes (a single developer from Italy, similar to Google Keep, I have it synced with Proton Drive no problem, mobile app still in beta):

- SuperNotes (from 2 young British guys, stunning app):

For notes, something like a Google Docs competitor is a valid option as well, with a good folder structure. I'm trying this with Proton Drive + Proton Docs and having the Tiago Forte's PARA method that's had for a long time now. But for Docs notes to work I need to have Index support, which Proton Docs lacks for now. Index allows for longer docs, reducing the need to change from doc to doc (in notes app this is not much of a problem cause they are faster).

Any other todo or notes app from Europe you know of?