CSULB doesn't care about students

Under shitty circumstances that is this stupid heat wave, students are finally opening their eyes to realize the school truly doesn't care about us. The president gets a raise for doing the bare minimum while students in dorms and classrooms are at risk of heatstroke?? We pay thousands upon thousands of dollars each semester, how can they not equip the school AND dorms with A/C?? Knowing damn well Los Angeles county is literal hell during these months??

Reminds me of last semester when the PR from the school came into our class to talk and in our faces LAUGHED that students made the graduation petition that circled around Spring semester. They pointed out it was ridiculous for us to think we have a voice/choice when the school's plans are solidified and the truth is they aren't willing to listen if it doesn't convinience them. What a surprise considering the school is built on Native American land lmfao.

Yet, when something doesn't go their way or a situation stains the school's reputation, they come crying to us asking to be "understanding" this school is fucking ridiculous and I hope everyone living on campus and those who have classes in scorching hot classrooms fight long and hard!