PSA - Please stop being verbally abusive to women on CODM

Honestly it puts me off playing the game altogether. Some game modes, like blitz for example especially now while its a clan war node, you have no chance playing solo, you're getting rekt by full teams of real players as soon as you land. So you press fill squad, and again and again, as a woman, I get added to squads with blokes being lovely to eachother and straight up verbally abusing me, running me over in vehicles again and again or trying to blow up vehicles I'm in, stopping me from even playing the game separately cuz theyre following me around hounding me. We do not deserve to be treated like the butt of the joke constantly just because we are female. Men wonder why women don't play games like COD, I promise you if we didn't have to face this bullying and awful treatment whenever we hopped on an online game you'd see a lot more of us playing.

Please, just be kind. You don't know what people are going through, a lot of people use games like this as a way to unwind when they're having a bad time or something, you never know when someone is close to the edge and you might just be pushing them over. It shouldn't be much to ask to just be decent to other human beings regardless of gender.