I have accepted a casual contract: is it a bad decision if I wish to stay and get a term/indeterminate?

I see mainly bad reviews about casual contracts here. Except the zero benefice, is it as sh#ty as people tell if you wish to stay after and get a term/indeterminate? I am finishing a 4 months co-op and immediatly I will start a casual EC of 90 days. I have accepted the offer because I love the job, I wish to stay in the federal government, and I don't have a better offer outside. I am qualified for the job. The reason the manager gave me for the casual is that she wants to staff ASAP even if I don't meet the language requirement yet. It is an English essential position and my English evaluation is not completed, my English profile is CC- I don't have the oral evaluation. She said that if there is a good fit we will move to a term contract of at least 1 year. I am scared it is BS. Please I need advices or to read happy ending for those who started with a casual and move to term/indeterminate in the same or different team/dept.