Feeling Defeated - Worked 3 Terms and am Losing Employment

I just found out my term won’t be extended. I am not surprised given the current circumstances but am feeling so defeated as this was my 3rd term. I was so close to indeterminate. I am feeling for everyone else facing the same circumstances and am wondering if there is any support groups out there or if EAP has been helpful during any of this stressful time. I am not sure if EAP would be helpful as I have heard that they weren’t helpful with RTO related stress.

I come from a poor area in the regions with very few jobs available. Most jobs in my province pay less than half of my current income (not enough to live at all) and this employment was my chance to get ahead in life. I have been trying to build a good life for myself and am gutted by this failure. I was finally starting to do well after so many years of struggles prior to landing this job. I am so worried I’m going to lose everything. I’ll not be able to start a family/build a life for myself. It is hard to find a will to live in this current job market.