My cat pees on everything what do I do
Please help I genuinely have started to hate my cats so much because they literally will NOT. STOP. PEEING EVERYWHERE. Their litter box is always clean and even when it’s a little soiled, it’s still perfectly fine to use but they either pee in my shower (it has no shower door) or under the sink. Mostly the sink. I’ve had to mop my bathroom so many times the past few days and it’s built so much resentment towards my cats. I don’t understand why they’re doing this. I can’t even look at them, they’re currently banished to the balcony. And they hate me now too because I yell and scream at them so much because of it. I know I shouldn’t but I’m literally going insane. I feel like there’s a bomb in my head exploding at all times. This is such a devastating time of year for me due to personal reasons and this is just added stress that has tipped me over the edge. What do I do please help Update to everyone saying put a litter box under the sink: the litter box is next to the toilet which is next to the sink so there’s no room for another litter box. It’s a perfectly cat-sized gap between the litter box and the wall. They pee literally right in front of the entrance to the litter box and they also pee in the shower, and in front of my roommates door, and now they’ve started peeing on the balcony too. Wherever they go, pee follows. And they’re both male, both desexed.