Kitten is hurting me

So I’m a new cat mom, I adopted this kitten when she was about a month and half, she’s 4 months now and she was very sweet and loving at first But now she’s wild, I don’t mind the occasional mess that comes with a cat but she’s actually hurting us she bites and scratches us all day long. She almost took my eye once while I was sleeping I’m desperate I don’t know what’s wrong with her or what I did wrong please help me

EDIT : first of all thank you for all your comments, her spaying appointment is in 3 months ( the vet advised me to wait until she’s 6 months old) I try to play with her for at least 30min per day with a different variety of toys, she doesn’t like cat TV that much. And as for socialising I yell at her when she hurts me but it doesn’t seem to be effective and I end up feeling bad about it