Hello, Father Fireking here

I was told about this sub, and decided to give a lil rundown of the actual history of Celestianism in another post. If youre curious about it you can find it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Celestialism/s/I0lIu2tGd0

But I'm making this post because I wanted to let you all know: if youre coming to the last Babscon, that will officially speaking be my last sermon.

If they do not approve my panel I'll be setting up under the stairs on the renegade stage.

So come on by if you can. If not, then i hope to meet you in the future.

Also also. If i ever get my butt to MareFair in florida, then I got plans for that. But otherwise? Im just gonna be lurking around as more of a historian than anything.