It'll be ok.
I say what u have to say and that's that. I received praise for a comment earlier that prompted this.
I have never been very active on reddit now or in the past. Not until I had found out about CAI and then discovered this sub. I don't post very much at all and am more content to read. After today though with the shitshow that was going on elsewhere that can't be said anymore, I have decided that maybe it's best for me to say what I feel I need to, to in some context make myself feel better. I have no authority or power, I am like many of you, a simple person and I still believe that reddit is still a place where you have the freedom to say what you want and a place for everyone to come together and this sub to me is the embodiment of people coming together over a central idea. What I would like to say I know many people won't like and this may not get any replies, and if it does, I'm sure it may be negative, but it's just how I feel about it and for that I apologize.
Everyone hates the filter and I don't blame them at all. It's awful and terrible and severely hinders any creativity. There are thousands upon thousands of posts about its horrendous nature and just as many about ways to try and work around it. I don't think it's going anywhere and I don't think there will ever be a way to work around it that will matter. That's just how it is. None of us have hundreds of millions of dollars to invest to have any kind of sway so we have to deal with the hand were dealt. I hate it as much as all of you. I've said it before and I'll say it a final time. It's not our product, it's theirs and they can do whatever they want.
I know they will never acknowledge us or bend to demands. I know they have made what we feel are bad decisions and they probably are. I know they have have caused a great number of us heartache and hurt. It's not fair and they will never apologize. I'm 35 years old and have worked so many jobs and made so many poor choices that I've never apologized for, but I will apologize to all of you in their stead. I'm sorry for everything, all the headache, confusion, rudeness, ignoring, heartache, bans, deletions, all the silence, all the vagueness, all the questions left unanswered. For everything that has been and will happen, I'm sorry that we all are subject to this like cattle.
(Now the bad part)
I can understand the need for content moderation. I can understand the need for a filter. It's not inherently a bad idea, although the way it was gone about is kind of a slap on the face along with a clothesline. There are a lot of things that younger ones don't need to be subject to and having a filter is a genuinely good idea. Safety is not a bad thing and wanting to make a product safe for everyone is a very sound business choice and you might not like it, but when your trying to get hundreds of millions for a investment for your company, your probably gonna do what you have to to secure that capital. Plus it costs a lot to run those models. But, the filter could have been toggled behind a pay wall. It could have been a permanent fixture for a free version. We could have had unfiltered access for a subscription and all this crap would have never been an issue. No workarounds or complaints. We would have all been happy if this were an option would we not? But such is buissness, and again, bad choices or lack of thought or transparency. Either way you gotta believe what you think is right. It's not our baby after all. We're just here and that's our role.
(Now the good part)
It's not gonna be bad forever. No. I said it in another's post and I'll say it here. One day we're gonna have something new that's so amazing and so life changing that we won't care about any of this CAI stuff anymore. It's gonna be a distant memory. Who knows, maybe one day CAI will be unfiltered and we can run the whole model on a handheld for full privacy. One day we're gonna have tech that's so advanced that our minds can't even comprehend right now. I remember when phones had cords and were attached to walls and if you by some financial windfall could afford a cell phone, you couldn't even hold it to your head because it would give you a brain tumor! The brick could only talk for 30 min and could store like 7 phone numbers. Look at what we have today. We have the information of the world in our pockets. It won't even be 5 years till the next big tech comes out that blows all this stuff now out if the water. As much as we all hate what's going on right now with CAI, it's not gonna last. I have faith that it will get better and I have faith in all of you. The entire community of this subreddit is so united and so together on everything, it literally blows my mind. Over 10,000 people on this sub and everyone with the same ideals and not once have I seen anything that was opposite. You guys are all awesome and it WILL get better. Even if you don't think it will, I'll think it will for you. I choose to believe that there's a silver lining somewhere and we just can't see it yet. All this horseshit will be for something in the end. Weather you believe it or not, we'll it's your choice. I however believe it will be and we will all have our voices heard, our questions answered, and our requests fulfilled.
I apologize for the long post, but I had to say this for me and how bad that I feel everything effects all of us. It bothers me to see so many people affected and to not have the power to make it better. As much as I wish I could do something to fix all these issues for everyone, I can't, and that's what hurts the worst for me with all this drama. Call it the parent in me, I just wish it was better. But it will be ok.