Are Christian guys put off by strong women?
I’m a competitive powerlifter and have been for around 1 year and 3 months. I’ve done one competition and have another coming up in a month. It’s something I’m really passionate about—it makes me happy and has, weirdly enough, taught me a lot about resilience, patience, and other valuable lessons.
When I started, a few guys told me they’d never want to be with a woman who powerlifts or is strong. I wasn’t even lifting anything crazy then. Fast forward to now—I’m lifting a little more. I still wouldn’t say I’m crazy strong, but I know I’m stronger than the average guy who doesn’t powerlift or go to the gym.
For context, my current numbers are:
• Squat: 180kg (397lbs)
• Bench: 77.5kg (171lbs)
• Deadlift: 182.5kg (402lbs)
The reason I’m even asking this is because a friend jokingly said, “If I were a guy and you told me what you lift, I would immediately block you. By being that strong, you’re minimising your dating pool.”
These comments don’t really bother me, mainly because the kind of guy I’d ideally like to be with is also passionate about training and lifting in some form. He doesn’t have to be a powerlifter, but he has to at least be interested in training.
That said, I do wonder if a guy who doesn’t go to the gym or powerlift would be put off by the fact that I love lifting and getting stronger.
TL;DR – Are guys put off by strong women?